SENSUAL surrender.

Are you finally ready to let go of your mind, reconnect to your body, own your feminine expression & embrace your SENSUAL POWER?

Hello powerful WOMAN!

Let me guess…

  • You are a highly motivated and ambitious woman…

  • You have always been very driven and you know how to get shit done…BUT you find it extremely hard to relax into your feminine energy.

  • You are tired of hustling, tired of being “strong”, tired of constantly building for the future and not living in the present moment.

  • You base your worth on your achievements or external forces and you feel like you have to keep pushing forward or it will all fall to pieces.

  • Most of your days end up being stressful and you often feel overwhelmed or burnt out.

  • You don’t prioritize time to do things you love.

  • You go to the gym and you do yoga but you STILL feel disconnected from your body.

  • You feel guilty when you indulge in your own pleasure.

  • Life has started to feel mundane, you often feel subdued and like you have lost your lust for life.

  • You’ve tried meditation and many other spiritual practices but you still can’t seem to silence your mind.

  • You have experienced success in many ways but you still feel unfulfilled, SOMETHING IS MISSING!

What’s missing…

Life DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD or stressful. IT can FLOW EFFORTLESSLY when you learn the art of surrender.

There is truly nothing more POWERFUL.



Meditation has not worked for you because it does not serve the feminine within us.

It’s time to take the FEMININE approach.

sensual movement is a LOVING meditatIon for the feminine.

Let me guide you back home to your feminine essence using my Goddess Method

Imagine you can…

  • Feel a new sense of safety and lightness in your body.

  • Have the tools to calm your nervous system whenever you need to and know how to move emotions through your body.

  • Feel a sense of peace and groundedness, no matter what is happening in your external environment.

  • Feel guided by your intuition and tapped into your feminine power and wisdom.

  • Overcome stress, anxiety, and depression, and challenging negative emotions.

  • Never place your worth outside of you in relationships again.

  • Start to really genuinely LOVE your body and let go of body shame from society.

  • Become ALIVE with erotic energy and know how to access it whenever you need.

  • Feel confident in dating and intimacy and unafraid to embrace your spicy side.

  • Be able to appreciate the present moment more deeply = PRICELESS

HI! I’m Hannah

Your Feminine Embodiment Mentor, Sensual Yoga Instructor and Spirit Guide.

Embracing my sensuality and my feminine energy changed my life and it would be an honor to guide you on your own feminine embodiment journey.

I understand how you feel because I was once in your exact shoes. I was so “driven” and ambitious that I was predominantly operating in my masculine energy and I didn’t know how to soften into my feminine or embrace the present moment.

I never made time for things I truly loved. I remember going to one gymnastics class and feeling overflowing joy, yet NEVER to return again because it was a 20 minute drive and it seemed too stressful to allocate the time! Looking back I cannot believe I didn’t love myself enough to allow myself to do the things I loved.

Stress, anxiety and a general sense of unease were the norm for me. I struggled with depression as I felt that I had outgrown everything in my life that was based upon material “success”.

Most of my relationships with men ended in tears of frustration.

I did all the spiritual and personal development work available and yet I didn’t feel any lasting shifts until I started to do feminine embodiment work. Once I reconnected to my body through sensual yoga and movement, I was able to heal stored trauma and sexual shame that I had not been able to process through typical therapy. Through taking self portraits of my yoga practice I fell in love with myself and my body, and I finally felt empowered and FREE!

It would be an honor to guide you on this journey to rediscovering the feminine sensual power that is within you.

rebel goddesses

The moment of surrender is not when life is over, it’s when it begins.

  • Sensual Yoga

    Live Online Sessions & Videos to reconnect you to your sensuality and your erotic power

  • 1:1 Coaching Session

    Private coaching session with Feminine Embodiment expert Hannah

  • Sensual Goddess Flow Dance

    Learn to flow through life as you flow with your body

  • Self-Portraiture Guidance & Tutorials

    To help you express yourself fully and capture yourself as art

Make it stand out.

Are you ready to surrender & go from stressed out babe to SENSUAL goddess?

Yess, I am ready to surrender!